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2024 Electronics Industry Predictions

2024 Electronics Industry Predictions from ByteSnap’s Engineering Consultants Happy New Year! Read our 2024 electronics industry predictions – discover which AI trends are likely to disrupt the tech sector – including autonomous taxis and AI enabled-integrated circuits… 2023 was an eventful year in the tech sector, where AI went mainstream with the explosion of language […]

Debian vs Yocto for Embedded Systems

A sample of Yocto Code|||Flowchart showing the Project Development Process for Yocto|

Debian vs Yocto for Embedded Systems Debian and Yocto are two different approaches to providing a GNU/Linux operating system on embedded systems. In this article, we give you an overview of each, and then examine the comparative strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Introduction to Debian Debian was first released as a Linux distribution by […]

How to debug your Linux Application: Debugging by printf


How to debug your Linux Application: Debugging by printf In this part of the series on How to Survive Embedded Linux series focuses specifically on debugging C/C++ applications. Apps written in scripting languages like Perl or Python have their own debugging best-practices protocols and tools. This is the simplest technique, directly analogous to ‘Debugging by […]

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support

Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|3 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|4 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|2 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|Target Embedded Hardware|target linux hardware

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support When picking out parts for your custom electronics design, it can pay to check up-front for Linux driver support. Writing new drivers for unsupported hardware is time-consuming, introduces risk, and adds complexity to a project. It’s better to select supported hardware. How can we check if […]

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges

|||Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges -Image credit Dan Lefebvre

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges Smart home devices are certainly flavour of the month – if not the last couple of years too. Of the competing smart home platforms, Apple Homekit is arguably still in the challenger role to more established players, but of course carries significant cachet in branding alone, as well as a […]

WiFi KRACK: Take these four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network

|IoT has a WiFi krack problem|WiFI Krack - ByteSnap can help||||

WiFi KRACK: Four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network When the WPA2 vulnerability, better known as the WiFi KRACK was revealed late last year, what followed was a torrent of concerning headlines suggesting that all WiFi communications could be decrypted. Whilst it is vulnerability at the core of one of the […]

Top 5 Tools for Cross Platform Mobile Development

|Cross platform mobile development - title|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Xamarin|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Adobe PhoneGap|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Appcelerator|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Qt|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Sencha|Cross platform mobile development - table||Cross Platform Development Tools for App development - Flutter|

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 3   Welcome to part 3 of our 5-part series on mobile application development. Part 1 looked at the essential breakdown of your mobile application development budget, and how to financially plan carefully for project success. And we examined priorities to consider when matching the right mobile application development company for […]

Selecting a mobile application development company for your project

|1 find a mobile application development company|1 find a mobile application development company|mobile application development company header blog 2|mobile application development company - experience 2||mobile application development company - awards||mobile application development company - repeat customers

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of our 5-part series on mobile application development. Part 1 looked at the essential breakdown of your mobile application development budget, and how to financially plan carefully for project success. And here’s part 2 – read on as we drill down into the fundamentals […]