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Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges

|||Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges -Image credit Dan Lefebvre

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges Smart home devices are certainly flavour of the month – if not the last couple of years too. Of the competing smart home platforms, Apple Homekit is arguably still in the challenger role to more established players, but of course carries significant cachet in branding alone, as well as a […]

ByteSnap 2019 Electronics Industry Predictions

ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - Smart Glasses|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - image by andres urena - unsplash|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - 5G expansion||ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - Improved fitness trackers||ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - Mega Mergers cool off|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019 - robot gardening|ByteSnap Design Industry Predictions for 2019 - EV batteries get smaller|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions 2019|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions for 2019|ByteSnap Electronics Industry Predictions_2019

ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY PREDICTIONS: TRENDS FOR 2019 With 2018 now behind us, our engineering consultants have been wondering what the year ahead holds for the embedded systems industry. Here are our electronics industry predictions for 2019: ByteSnap’s Electronics Design Industry Predictions for 2019 Voice assistants will become more versatile Our first electronics industry prediction for this […]

WiFi KRACK: Take these four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network

|IoT has a WiFi krack problem|WiFI Krack - ByteSnap can help||||

WiFi KRACK: Four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network When the WPA2 vulnerability, better known as the WiFi KRACK was revealed late last year, what followed was a torrent of concerning headlines suggesting that all WiFi communications could be decrypted. Whilst it is vulnerability at the core of one of the […]

Why IoT Security Will Cost You More

|IoT Security - Transport|IoT Security - Accumulated Data|IoT Security_Device Security

Why IoT Security Will Cost You More IoT security is an increasingly urgent issue, but is still in the early stages of resolution. We take a look at the “Cost to Care” ratio, and why it is set to dictate our responses to this trend for some time to come… The Internet of Things has been […]

ByteSnap protects with smart home security

ByteSnap protects with smart home security ByteSnap has provided both electronics design and software expertise for award winning smart home security device Cocoon. Cocoon is a technology company transforming the home security market by designing beautiful products that help people feel safe. It won silver at the 2014 London Design awards and recently secured a […]

Electronics Design 2016 – Our Top 10 Industry Trends

plasma ball close up|Smart Cars Drive FPGA Development|2016 tech industry predictions - more gesture recognition|Smart home technology||consolidation of mergers|3D Printers grow in popularity|ARM Cortex MO|USB C Standardised|smart metering smartens up

What ByteSnap thinks is in store for the electronics design industry this year… 2015 was a year of colossal expansion across the technology spectrum – notably in the smart home, wearables and automotive sectors.  But what can we expect for 2016?  Here are our top ten predictions for the electronics design industry next twelve months… […]

Intel : 47 Years of Pioneering Processor Progress


Intel : 47 Years of Pioneering Processor Progress PC Revolution Architects It’s 47 years since the launch of silicon chip giant Intel – sparking the 1970s personal computer revolution with the world’s first microprocessor. Left to right – Andy Grove, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, 1978   Image credit: Intel Free Press The semiconductor pioneer has […]

IoT Security and the Cost-to-Care Ratio


IoT Security and the Cost-to-Care Ratio Here, we take a closer look at IoT security in terms of the “Care-to-Cost” ratio – e.g. are manufacturers and product developers prepared to pay more (at least 25% more) to increase security in their offerings and are consumers willing to shell out for enhanced security? The further we travel into IoT […]

3G is dead – what next for product designers?

3G is dead – what next for product designers? Whether you are imminently bringing out a new IoT product or have heard the rumours about 3G switch off, it is a pivotal time in wireless networks. With 5G networks on the horizon and 2G beginning to close down, choosing the right technology to future-proof devices […]