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FreeRTOS vs Linux for Embedded Systems

Which operating system is best suited for your embedded systems project – FreeRTOS or Linux? FreeRTOS and Embedded Linux are two popular options for operating system provision in embedded systems. But which should you choose for your electronics product design? In many cases, the decision about which system to use is preferential, as software engineers […]

Top 9 Visual Studio Extensions for Software Engineers

|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 1: Linux profiling results with detailed per-line view|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 2: Linux profiling results with detailed per-line view. Source:|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 3:Tooltip information for one of the inline test markers. Source:|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 4a: Screenshot||Colourised braces based on depth and highlighting format specifiers in strings.|Image 7: Highlighted whitespaces at end of lines (Source: )|Image 8: New button in the context menu... (Source: )|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 9 - and and its popup|Visual Studio Extensions - Image 9: New icons for unsupported file extensions (Source: )||Visual Studio Extensions - Image 6: User defined annotations for multiple categories. Source:|

The best Visual Studio extensions to help streamline your software development Trying to figure out the best Visual Studio extensions?  Read our recommendations for the best ones to help accelerate your programming. Most programmers developing complex programs will use an integrated development environment (IDE) to take advantage of its many useful features. Many choose Visual […]

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support

Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|3 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|4 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|2 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|Target Embedded Hardware|target linux hardware

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support When picking out parts for your custom electronics design, it can pay to check up-front for Linux driver support. Writing new drivers for unsupported hardware is time-consuming, introduces risk, and adds complexity to a project. It’s better to select supported hardware. How can we check if […]

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges

|||Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges -Image credit Dan Lefebvre

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges Smart home devices are certainly flavour of the month – if not the last couple of years too. Of the competing smart home platforms, Apple Homekit is arguably still in the challenger role to more established players, but of course carries significant cachet in branding alone, as well as a […]

WiFi KRACK: Take these four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network

|IoT has a WiFi krack problem|WiFI Krack - ByteSnap can help||||

WiFi KRACK: Four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network When the WPA2 vulnerability, better known as the WiFi KRACK was revealed late last year, what followed was a torrent of concerning headlines suggesting that all WiFi communications could be decrypted. Whilst it is vulnerability at the core of one of the […]

Top 5 Tools for Cross Platform Mobile Development

|Cross platform mobile development - title|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Xamarin|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Adobe PhoneGap|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Appcelerator|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Qt|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Sencha|Cross platform mobile development - table||Cross Platform Development Tools for App development - Flutter|

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 3   Welcome to part 3 of our 5-part series on mobile application development. Part 1 looked at the essential breakdown of your mobile application development budget, and how to financially plan carefully for project success. And we examined priorities to consider when matching the right mobile application development company for […]

Mobile Application Development Cost: The Real Deal for a High Quality App

|mobile application development cost - requirements|mobile application development cost - support|mobile application development cost - testing|mobile application development cost - development|mobile application development cost - graphic design|Pie chart for mobile application development cost|

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 1 “Which are the top cross platform mobile app development frameworks?” “Hmm…think I’m gonna need a development partner. How do I choose the best one..??” “Which app development tool should I use?” If you’re trying to figure out app dev concerns like these, then you’ve come to the right […]

Electronics Product Development: 3 Tips for Detecting Touch Controller Failures

|Electronics Product Development - Debugging Rig|Electronics Product Development Debug Rig Made by Our Engineer|Electronics Product Development Debug Rig Made by Our Engineer|Sometimes Simple is Best in Electronics Product Development

Electronics Product Development: 3 Tips for Detecting Touch Controller Failures In electronics product development, touchscreens can be difficult to stress test; and whilst there are several sophisticated systems available for touchscreen stress testing, there are other ways to get the job done – like a low-tech approach… For example, take a look at this rig […]

BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success

|BSP Porting Kernel Code & Board|BSP Porting target board 3|ByteSnap Stand M56 Southern Manufacturing Electronics 16_jp|BSP Porting Reference Board|BSP Porting testing table|BSP Porting Kernel Code|ByteSnap BSP Porting Focus on the Bootloader

BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success Take BSP Porting from Stress to Success When selecting the hardware which will make up the core of your next product, there are many choices. Once this has been decided, BSP porting must be completed to ensure the software elements fit the new hardware. Among the […]

Microsoft @ 40: A Closer Look at Embedded Compact 6.0 Part 2

Windows Compact Embedded|OS Migration: Keep Calm Migrate from Windows Embedded|windows embedded compact EOL dates|||windows embedded compact EOL dates|Windows CE End of Life Support Phases||

Microsoft @ 40: A Closer Look at Embedded Compact 6.0 Part 2 As Microsoft turns 40 this month, we’ve put Windows Embedded Compact 6.0, and its enduring popularity, under the microscope at  a Win CE 6 open forum. The first post examined some of the differences between Win CE 5 and Win CE 6; CE 6’s […]