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FPGA Design: Connecting Custom Peripherals to AXI Using BRAM Interface

|FPGA Design Ebook|

Download the new eBook: FPGA Design – Interfacing Over AXI Using A Simple Address Data Bus In FPGA design, interfacing over AXI (ARM eXtensible Interface) is an increasingly popular choice due to its status as the most widespread AMBA interface, enabling the connection of potentially hundreds of Masters and Slaves in complex SoCs. However, it […]

WiFi KRACK: Take these four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network

|IoT has a WiFi krack problem|WiFI Krack - ByteSnap can help||||

WiFi KRACK: Four key steps to manage the risk and protect your network When the WPA2 vulnerability, better known as the WiFi KRACK was revealed late last year, what followed was a torrent of concerning headlines suggesting that all WiFi communications could be decrypted. Whilst it is vulnerability at the core of one of the […]

How to Migrate Windows CE to a new Embedded Linux Environment

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How to Migrate Windows CE to a new Embedded Linux Environment Our series Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know examines the primary issues around planning for the lack of support for Windows Embedded devices. We kicked off the series with Part 1 covering key considerations such as platform longevity and security updates. And […]

ByteSnap in Consortium to Develop Pioneering V2G Technology

|V2G - BEIS and OLEV|V2G - vehicle to grid|V2G Electric Vehicle Charging|V2G - vehicle to grid - 1|||||

ByteSnap in Consortium to Develop Pioneering V2G Technology Read More About The VIGIL V2G Project Completion We’re pleased to announce that ByteSnap and a consortium of partners have been awarded a two-year collaborative project, VIGIL (Vehicle-to-Grid Intelligent Control), under a Vehicle-to-Grid competition, funded by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Department for […]

Windows Embedded Compact Migration and End-of-Life Support

Windows Compact Embedded|OS Migration: Keep Calm Migrate from Windows Embedded|windows embedded compact EOL dates|||windows embedded compact EOL dates|Windows CE End of Life Support Phases||

Windows Embedded Compact Migration and End-of-Life Support New Series: Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know – Part 1 With end of life dates for Windows CE and Mobile OS, our new series Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know explores the key considerations when planning for the lack of support […]

10 Embedded Systems Industry Predictions for 2018

|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - smart home|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 Smart metering|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - artificial intelligence|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - augmented reality|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - automotive|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - bluetooth|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - Component supply|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - electric vehicles|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - InfoSec|ByteSnap Embedded Systems Industry Predictions 2018 - vehicle2grid|||

10 Embedded Systems Industry Predictions & Trends for 2018 Happy New Year! Hope you’ve enjoyed your Christmas break. 2017 certainly was another eventful year in the embedded systems industry – 2017 saw far-reaching DDoS and ransomware attacks such as WannaCry; the continuing forward momentum of driverless cars, with greater uptake of trials around the world; […]

Top 5 Tools for Cross Platform Mobile Development

|Cross platform mobile development - title|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Xamarin|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Adobe PhoneGap|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Appcelerator|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Qt|Cross Platform Mobile Development - Sencha|Cross platform mobile development - table||Cross Platform Development Tools for App development - Flutter|

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 3   Welcome to part 3 of our 5-part series on mobile application development. Part 1 looked at the essential breakdown of your mobile application development budget, and how to financially plan carefully for project success. And we examined priorities to consider when matching the right mobile application development company for […]

Selecting a mobile application development company for your project

|1 find a mobile application development company|1 find a mobile application development company|mobile application development company header blog 2|mobile application development company - experience 2||mobile application development company - awards||mobile application development company - repeat customers

Mobile Application Development Series – Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of our 5-part series on mobile application development. Part 1 looked at the essential breakdown of your mobile application development budget, and how to financially plan carefully for project success. And here’s part 2 – read on as we drill down into the fundamentals […]

New EU Radio Equipment Directive: 5 key things you need to know

||||RED - Radio Equipment Directive - ByteSnap|Low currant design for new SoCmodule|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap|Low-currant-module for edibles market|RED Radio Equipment Directive Infographic|RED - Radio Equipment Directive - ByteSnap||

New EU Radio Equipment Directive: 5 key things you need to know As electronics product designers we know that the compliance process in electronics product development can appear intricate and precarious, if rules or regulations are misinterpreted. Now, our community has the European Union’s new Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) to grapple with. The RED came […]

13 Free Electronics Design Tools & PCB Design Software

|Free electronics design tools_Paint.NET|Free electronics design tools_wireshark||Free electronics design tools_TeraTerm|Free electronics design tools_HDD Copy Tool_2|Free electronics design tools_HXD_2|Free electronics design tools - Audacity|Free electronics design tools_GSpot_2|Free electronics design tools_GIMP Image Editor|Free electronics design tools_Findchips_2|Free electronics design tools_Octopart_2|Free electronics design tools_Notepad++2|Free electronics design tools_Microstrip Impedance_2|Free Electronics Design Tools - save time|13 Free Electronics Design Tools _Title Schematic_w|

13 Free Electronics Design Tools & PCB Design Software Read our guide to 13 top free electronics design tools and PCB design software including freeware. Our embedded systems engineers have been looking at some of the most useful free electronics design tools available today.If you are looking to predict PCB characteristics, manipulate screens or some […]